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22-05-11 / 01:29 : Bryce 7 PLE / 6.3 update (cjed)
A free and full featured (no watermark nor size restriction) version of Bryce 7 is available (for personal use only). We can also download a Bryce 6.3 update from the online account (click on reset on the Bryce 6.1 element, and a new link will appear a few hours later).
Samples scenes from Bryce 6.1 aren't however provided with the update.
Bryce 7 Pro brings textures animating, lighting enhancements, particles and Instancing Lab (similar to Vue 9's Ecosystem). It was provided recently at a reduced price. We can also find free Poser models.
Many users however reported that Bryce memory use increased a lot since Bryce 5.5.
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